donderdag 19 juli 2012

The Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG) of EIOPA publishes its feedback on the EC White Paper "An Agenda for

The Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG) of EIOPA published its
Feedback Statement on the European Commission White Paper "An Agenda for
Adequate, Safe and Sustainable Pensions" that looks at how the EU and
the Member States can work to tackle the major challenges that confront
our pension systems.

In its Statement the OPSG commented on the European Commission's analysis
and initiatives and provided recommendations on such issues as structure
of pension systems, development of pillar 2 pensions, reporting on pension
systems by Member States, flexibility of the pension systems and the need
for mobility, information to members related to the three pillar pensions,
protection of pensions and good practices. OPSG recommended that
regulation of pensions be balanced between citizen's rights and economic
needs underlining efficiency as a critical factor for the development of
adequate, safe and sustainable and regulation to and flexibility of the
pension schemes etc.

The Feedback Statement is part of the OPSG's own initiative work. It was
prepared by a specially formed sub-group led by Mr. Klaus STRUWE
(beneficiaries group) who had to align and balance different opinions
expressed during the preparation process.

On 17 July 2012 Chris VERHAEGEN, Chair of the OPSG, sent the Feedback
Statement to EIOPA Chairman, to the European Commission and to the
European Parliament.

The text of the Feedback Statement can be viewed under the following link
on EIOPA website (Link:

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