donderdag 29 november 2012

DNB Nieuwsservice - 29 november 2012 - Nieuwsbericht Solvency II

DNB Nieuwsservice 29 november 2012
Geachte heer Ivan Kooiman,
De Nederlandsche Bank heeft vandaag het volgende bericht op haar website gepubliceerd:
Open Boek Toezicht – Solvency II (29 november 2012)

Deze editie van het Solvency II nieuwsbericht gaat in op programma van het aankomende symposium.

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Met vriendelijke groet,
De Nederlandsche Bank
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vrijdag 16 november 2012

Guidelines on Complaints-Handling by Insurance Undertakings: publication of translations into all the official EU langua

EIOPA published today the translation of Guidelines on Complaints-Handling
by Insurance Undertakings into all 23 official languages of the European

The Guidelines, which are addressed to national supervisory authorities
(NSAs), aim to provide guidance on appropriate internal systems and
control for complaints-handling by insurers (such as having a complaints
management policy and complaints management function in place), render
them more effective and provide guidance on the provision of information
and procedures for responding to complaints, thereby ensuring the adequate
protection of policyholders and beneficiaries.

By having translated the Guidelines into all the official languages of the
EU, today's publication triggers a transitional period of two months,
that aims at 15 January 2013, within which national supervisors have to
declare whether they intend to comply with the Guidelines or otherwise
explain the reasons for non-compliance which may be made public by EIOPA
on a case-by-case basis. According to Article 16(3) of the Regulation
establishing EIOPA, national supervisors have to make every effort to
comply with the Guidelines.

All the language versions of EIOPA Guidelines on Complaints-Handling by
Insurance Undertakings can be viewed under the following link:
(Link: )

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